In a World of Her Own
Trantorian Dream
Personal Visions and Illustrations
Michael Whelan, http://www.michaelwhelan.com/
Windows into dreamscapes, realms of the imagination. Michael’s “Personal Vision” paintings include scenes of humans moving through doorways, pathways, and fantastic landscapes, often with images of floating balls of light.
Human-Reptilian relationships. Many of Michael’s book cover illustrations depict dragons or upright reptilians in some kind of encounter with humans.
Expanded human abilities. Quite often Michael’s human subjects are shown to have extraordinary talents: dimensional walking, levitating, directing fire, riding dragons.
Michael Whelan is hands down my favorite artist of all time. His vision and masterful execution are second to none. The images he conjures are more often than not quite beautiful and alluring, filled with oceans of light and color which draw us into worlds more vivid, more fluid than what we typically experience day to day.
With such superb skill, he could easily depict just about anything he puts his mind to, the goal of any artist. But what does he choose to show us? Potential. The magic of our spirits, our limitless imagination, the amazing wonder of our abilities as conscious beings.
Why does this man’s paintings draw me more than any other? Because of how I feel when I see them. They make me feel alive, boundless, connected as a physical human to a wondrous universe through my own inner spirit. My house is filled with his prints, constant inspiration for my own creativity. He paints with acrylics. I paint with words. I believe our intents are very similar: sweep people into larger worlds, show them what they could be, and excite them to become MORE.
My sons and I had the distinct pleasure and honor to support Michael’s Kickstarter project to produce a new book of his work, Beyond Science Fiction. Visit Michael’s beautiful website for a grand tour through his artwork. While you’re at it, buy a couple of his prints – or a dozen. Your life will be richer for it, I guarantee.
Featured Image: Verge – Michael Whelan
Shonto’s Garden

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.


In a World of Her Own
WORK: Personal Visions and Illustrations
CREATED BY: Michael Whelan, http://www.michaelwhelan.com/
FORMAT: Acrylics
Windows into dreamscapes, realms of the imagination. Michael’s “Personal Vision” paintings include scenes of humans moving through doorways, pathways, and fantastic landscapes, often with images of floating balls of light.
Human-Reptilian relationships. Many of Michael’s book cover illustrations depict dragons or upright reptilians in some kind of encounter with humans.
Expanded human abilities. Quite often Michael’s human subjects are shown to have extraordinary talents: dimensional walking, levitating, directing fire, riding dragons.
Michael Whelan is hands down my favorite artist of all time. His vision and masterful execution are second to none. The images he conjures are more often than not quite beautiful and alluring, filled with oceans of light and color which draw us into worlds more vivid, more fluid than what we typically experience day to day.
With such superb skill, he could easily depict just about anything he puts his mind to, the goal of any artist. But what does he choose to show us? Potential. The magic of our spirits, our limitless imagination, the amazing wonder of our abilities as conscious beings.
Why does this man’s paintings draw me more than any other? Because of how I feel when I see them. They make me feel alive, boundless, connected as a physical human to a wondrous universe through my own inner spirit. My house is filled with his prints, constant inspiration for my own creativity. He paints with acrylics. I paint with words. I believe our intents are very similar: sweep people into larger worlds, show them what they could be, and excite them to become MORE.
My sons and I had the distinct pleasure and honor to support Michael’s Kickstarter project to produce a new book of his work, Beyond Science Fiction. Visit Michael’s beautiful website for a grand tour through his artwork. While you’re at it, buy a couple of his prints – or a dozen. Your life will be richer for it, I guarantee.
Featured Image: Verge – Michael Whelan

Trantorian Dream


Shonto’s Garden


Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.