The longer I live, the more amazed I become at what people actually believe.
That statement can apply to a million different things, but this article is aimed at the aging population of this planet who have allowed themselves to become dope addicts. That’s right. Those who have become enslaved to the pharmaceutical industry. Believe me – the drug moguls DO NOT have your health at the top of their agenda.
I generally do quite well ignoring the toxic garbage that floods the media, but for the past few months, I’ve been seeing emails in my inbox from AARP (formerly American Association of Retired Persons) railing about the absurdly high cost of prescription drugs, hounding its members to join the fight against skyrocketing drug prices, and to write their congressmen about the escalating problem for America’s elderly. The organization holds itself up as zealous protectors of aging people who, heaven forbid, often skip some of their medication because they simply can’t afford it.
What’s wrong with this picture?
It’s glaringly obvious. People are screaming about high prices, not the fact that they have been sold a bill of goods by exceedingly talented, wealthy snake-oil peddlers.
Americans are fighting
for their addictions.
Unfortunately, most people have become the prey of a very insidious group whose business is to keep the population addicted to drugs. They dress it in all kinds of fancy propaganda, using the pervasive religion of science as a means to convince people that they can’t live without pharmaceuticals, that they will DIE without the drug companies. It’s big business at its ugliest.
Doctors, who supposedly know everything, analyze people’s ills and prescribe chemicals to fix them, doctors who have been reared and subsidized by the pharmaceutical companies. They don’t know anything else. Try asking them which natural herb would help instead of drugs, or what in your life might be causing you to manifest the illness in the first place, or, heaven forbid, whether you should STOP taking the drugs they give you and start eating food that will clean out your system, making pharmaceuticals unnecessary. They’ll treat you like an idiot who dares question their authority.
We’re killing ourselves, people. The studies are there. With the rise of western meat-eating diets comes the rise of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, dementia, and a myriad of other terrible problems. It’s evident that eating unhealthy food and trying to ward off disease with drugs does not work, but it’s making a few people very, very rich.
I’m sixty. In this bizarre culture, I guess that’s supposed to mean I’m old or something. Let’s see. I should be running to doctors all the time, testing my body for signs of a plethora of horrible diseases, and popping pills to fix all the ailments of my poor, going-to-fall-apart-soon physical form. Huh?
I don’t do any of that. I guess that’s weird, but I’ve always been inclined to rely on my own truth. I had all of my kids at home, without drugs, in three different states. I stopped going to doctors after encountering a number of deluded, demi-god types when my kids were young. I taught myself about herbs. I learned alternative healing methods. I’ve had excellent experience with talented chiropractors. It took me long enough to figure this one out, but, thanks to the research and dedication of my son Duncan, I’ve finally switched to an all-plant-based diet.
I’ll say this once.
If you believe otherwise, you will most likely die a drug addict.
Am I saying all this because I just like to crank? No! I’ve watched this disturbing phenomenon for decades. The belief in allopathic doctors and drugs runs deep. The belief in eating meat and dairy runs deep. And the death-by-disease rate keeps going up. Does this make sense? It makes me sad and angry that masses of people can be so willingly misled and abused.
There are healthy solutions to the problem of drugs, but it takes a strength of will to take hold of yourself and make changes that make a difference. You can start by just thinking about your life and habits. What do you believe makes you healthy? Who told you those things are true? Why do you believe them?
Start reading. Go to the library. Read articles on the internet. Buy books. Go to health fairs. Find alternative health practitioners. Change your diet. Teach yourself to think and act outside of normal boundaries. Learn to stand up to the authority figures who treat you like you’re stupid. It might save your life.
Is it easy to change? It can be, but often it isn’t, especially when friends and family members around you are still entrenched in destructive beliefs. You risk criticism and judgment if you swim against the river. Is it worth the fight? You choose: better health or approval. Why not have both? Be a trailblazer in your own family. You have to be strong and dedicated to yourself.
I’m one of many, including doctors, who can tell you it can be done and the benefits of getting off drugs are real. I know two fantastic ladies who made changes in their lives to get rid of pharmaceuticals.
My mother did it in her sixties. She had been prone to health issues all her life and had always been on scads of medications. When I wrote my first novel in the late nineties, the subject of addiction came up when she and I were discussing one of my characters. My mother surprised me by saying, “Well, I can tell you about addiction.” She proceeded to tell me how she had taken herself off all her medications. She had done her research and, over ten days time, with the help of my father, went cold turkey to get the drugs out of her system. She said it had been very difficult, but you know, it was one of the times I was proudest of her. She had never been one to buck conventional authority, but something made her decide she was tired of the drugs. Gold star, Mum! Of course, she still ate meat and dairy every day, believing she was “eating right.” She died at 73 of a heart attack. I’ll never know if she could have lived longer had she cleaned out her arteries with better food.
My aunt is now eighty-five. She’s always been a quiet renegade and I love her for that. She broke her hip last year and the story she told me about her ordeal was disturbing. She was taken to the hospital (you know, the place where they’re supposed to fix you) where they put a steel rod in her hip. She was given addictive drugs and animal-based food, but when she got home, she took herself off the medication and went back to her whole-food, plant-based diet. Many people never recover from a broken hip, but she’s up and about, working toward a full mobility. It hasn’t been easy, but she’s doing it.
She is also going blind in one eye. After going to a specialist and receiving painful, hideously expensive shots in her eye for months on end, she did some reading and found a natural supplement that she began taking. At her next visit, the doctor was stunned at the improvement in her vision, and when she told him it wasn’t his expensive treatments, but an herbal blend that was responsible, he scoffed and dismissed her with uncalled for bad attitude. She didn’t go back. Three cheers, Suzie! I salute your dedication to clean living.
If you’ve made it to the end of this post without snarly, knee-jerk annoyance, I thank you for your open-mindedness. I truly wish that living without drugs wasn’t so difficult for most people. It’s one of the things I find sadly absurd about the reality I currently live in, but it can change, one person at a time. I encourage you to look at your own health with an honest eye and see where you might be able to give yourself a chance to improve. There is always room to grow! I can tell you from experience that moving into new territory, like vegan cooking and walking away from conventional medicine, is not only FUN, but FREEING.
Take hold of your life and be healthy – without drugs.

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.
The longer I live, the more amazed I become at what people actually believe.
That statement can apply to a million different things, but this article is aimed at the aging population of this planet who have allowed themselves to become dope addicts. That’s right. Those who have become enslaved to the pharmaceutical industry. Believe me – the drug moguls DO NOT have your health at the top of their agenda.
I generally do quite well ignoring the toxic garbage that floods the media, but for the past few months, I’ve been seeing emails in my inbox from AARP (formerly American Association of Retired Persons) railing about the absurdly high cost of prescription drugs, hounding its members to join the fight against skyrocketing drug prices, and to write their congressmen about the escalating problem for America’s elderly. The organization holds itself up as zealous protectors of aging people who, heaven forbid, often skip some of their medication because they simply can’t afford it.
What’s wrong with this picture?
It’s glaringly obvious. People are screaming about high prices, not the fact that they have been sold a bill of goods by exceedingly talented, wealthy snake-oil peddlers.
Americans are fighting
for their addictions.
Unfortunately, most people have become the prey of a very insidious group whose business is to keep the population addicted to drugs. They dress it in all kinds of fancy propaganda, using the pervasive religion of science as a means to convince people that they can’t live without pharmaceuticals, that they will DIE without the drug companies. It’s big business at its ugliest.
Doctors, who supposedly know everything, analyze people’s ills and prescribe chemicals to fix them, doctors who have been reared and subsidized by the pharmaceutical companies. They don’t know anything else. Try asking them which natural herb would help instead of drugs, or what in your life might be causing you to manifest the illness in the first place, or, heaven forbid, whether you should STOP taking the drugs they give you and start eating food that will clean out your system, making pharmaceuticals unnecessary. They’ll treat you like an idiot who dares question their authority.
We’re killing ourselves, people. The studies are there. With the rise of western meat-eating diets comes the rise of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, dementia, and a myriad of other terrible problems. It’s evident that eating unhealthy food and trying to ward off disease with drugs does not work, but it’s making a few people very, very rich.
I’m sixty. In this bizarre culture, I guess that’s supposed to mean I’m old or something. Let’s see. I should be running to doctors all the time, testing my body for signs of a plethora of horrible diseases, and popping pills to fix all the ailments of my poor, going-to-fall-apart-soon physical form. Huh?
I don’t do any of that. I guess that’s weird, but I’ve always been inclined to rely on my own truth. I had all of my kids at home, without drugs, in three different states. I stopped going to doctors after encountering a number of deluded, demi-god types when my kids were young. I taught myself about herbs. I learned alternative healing methods. I’ve had excellent experience with talented chiropractors. It took me long enough to figure this one out, but, thanks to the research and dedication of my son Duncan, I’ve finally switched to an all-plant-based diet.
I’ll say this once.
If you believe otherwise, you will most likely die a drug addict.
Am I saying all this because I just like to crank? No! I’ve watched this disturbing phenomenon for decades. The belief in allopathic doctors and drugs runs deep. The belief in eating meat and dairy runs deep. And the death-by-disease rate keeps going up. Does this make sense? It makes me sad and angry that masses of people can be so willingly misled and abused.
There are healthy solutions to the problem of drugs, but it takes a strength of will to take hold of yourself and make changes that make a difference. You can start by just thinking about your life and habits. What do you believe makes you healthy? Who told you those things are true? Why do you believe them?
Start reading. Go to the library. Read articles on the internet. Buy books. Go to health fairs. Find alternative health practitioners. Change your diet. Teach yourself to think and act outside of normal boundaries. Learn to stand up to the authority figures who treat you like you’re stupid. It might save your life.
Is it easy to change? It can be, but often it isn’t, especially when friends and family members around you are still entrenched in destructive beliefs. You risk criticism and judgment if you swim against the river. Is it worth the fight? You choose: better health or approval. Why not have both? Be a trailblazer in your own family. You have to be strong and dedicated to yourself.
I’m one of many, including doctors, who can tell you it can be done and the benefits of getting off drugs are real. I know two fantastic ladies who made changes in their lives to get rid of pharmaceuticals.
My mother did it in her sixties. She had been prone to health issues all her life and had always been on scads of medications. When I wrote my first novel in the late nineties, the subject of addiction came up when she and I were discussing one of my characters. My mother surprised me by saying, “Well, I can tell you about addiction.” She proceeded to tell me how she had taken herself off all her medications. She had done her research and, over ten days time, with the help of my father, went cold turkey to get the drugs out of her system. She said it had been very difficult, but you know, it was one of the times I was proudest of her. She had never been one to buck conventional authority, but something made her decide she was tired of the drugs. Gold star, Mum! Of course, she still ate meat and dairy every day, believing she was “eating right.” She died at 73 of a heart attack. I’ll never know if she could have lived longer had she cleaned out her arteries with better food.
My aunt is now eighty-five. She’s always been a quiet renegade and I love her for that. She broke her hip last year and the story she told me about her ordeal was disturbing. She was taken to the hospital (you know, the place where they’re supposed to fix you) where they put a steel rod in her hip. She was given addictive drugs and animal-based food, but when she got home, she took herself off the medication and went back to her whole-food, plant-based diet. Many people never recover from a broken hip, but she’s up and about, working toward a full mobility. It hasn’t been easy, but she’s doing it.
She is also going blind in one eye. After going to a specialist and receiving painful, hideously expensive shots in her eye for months on end, she did some reading and found a natural supplement that she began taking. At her next visit, the doctor was stunned at the improvement in her vision, and when she told him it wasn’t his expensive treatments, but an herbal blend that was responsible, he scoffed and dismissed her with uncalled for bad attitude. She didn’t go back. Three cheers, Suzie! I salute your dedication to clean living.
If you’ve made it to the end of this post without snarly, knee-jerk annoyance, I thank you for your open-mindedness. I truly wish that living without drugs wasn’t so difficult for most people. It’s one of the things I find sadly absurd about the reality I currently live in, but it can change, one person at a time. I encourage you to look at your own health with an honest eye and see where you might be able to give yourself a chance to improve. There is always room to grow! I can tell you from experience that moving into new territory, like vegan cooking and walking away from conventional medicine, is not only FUN, but FREEING.
Take hold of your life and be healthy – without drugs.

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.