The 2017 full solar eclipse has many Americans buzzing about catching a glimpse of this somewhat rare event happening over our airspace. But how many of those people ask themselves the obvious questions that are literally slapping us in the face?
Why are we seeing such a phenomenon?
I’m not talking about the “scientific” factoids about a big rock moving between the earth and the blinding ball we usually see in the sky. I’m talking about the very strange, utterly improbable circumstance that a body orbiting in space around our planet is the EXACT shape and size to create a perfect block of the sun. Doesn’t that strike you as more than a little bit odd?
The most logical explanation is that at some point in Earth’s history, someone must have positioned the moon in its orbit with mathematical precision to cause such an occurrence. It ain’t no accident, folks. But why? What effect does this have on the planetary energetics and us?
I can only speculate about plausible answers to these questions, but I am certain that most of our holy scientific types haven’t even come close to figuring out what that round ball in the heavens IS, let alone what it does to all of us. In order to find answers, you have to start with the right questions. How about this one?
Now that’s at least moving in the right direction. This title is in my stack of to-read books and today’s eclipse is a good reminder to move it to the top. Here are a couple of older, but intriguing, books posing questions about the subject:
For many years now, whenever I look at the bright disc above us in the night sky, I see it as a construct, and one that most likely wasn’t put there for our benefit. As George Lucas so boldly declared, “That’s no moon.” It’s more than just a rock, it’s more than even a base for some unspecified non-humans.
An artificial satellite of that size positioned precisely where it is as a constant companion around the earth implies its purpose must have something to do with planetary control. It may have been constructed to function as a monstrous frequency modulator (it rings like a bell) with the ability to affect physical aspects of the earth beyond the tides such as rotational rate, the toroidal energetic flow of the planet, and perhaps even time as we perceive it. If the moon wields that much power over the planet, it certainly impacts the consciousness of lifeforms on or in the earth, and could possibly even be used to disrupt communication with other species off-planet.
The designers of such a construct were obviously capable of a level of science and technology we can barely imagine, but whether those beings placed it in earth’s orbit or another group brought it here is presently a secondary concern. At this point in time, what is important for us to grasp is that the moon has most likely played a large part in human development (or lack thereof) as well as our isolation and is still functioning as a warden to keep us under someone’s control.
We have a lot to learn – and today’s eclipse is a dramatic reminder that we as a species damn well better discover just exactly what is circling our globe and all of our lives.

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.
The 2017 full solar eclipse has many Americans buzzing about catching a glimpse of this somewhat rare event happening over our airspace. But how many of those people ask themselves the obvious questions that are literally slapping us in the face?
Why are we seeing such a phenomenon?
I’m not talking about the “scientific” factoids about a big rock moving between the earth and the blinding ball we usually see in the sky. I’m talking about the very strange, utterly improbable circumstance that a body orbiting in space around our planet is the EXACT shape and size to create a perfect block of the sun. Doesn’t that strike you as more than a little bit odd?
The most logical explanation is that at some point in Earth’s history, someone must have positioned the moon in its orbit with mathematical precision to cause such an occurrence. It ain’t no accident, folks. But why? What effect does this have on the planetary energetics and us?
I can only speculate about plausible answers to these questions, but I am certain that most of our holy scientific types haven’t even come close to figuring out what that round ball in the heavens IS, let alone what it does to all of us. In order to find answers, you have to start with the right questions. How about this one?
Now that’s at least moving in the right direction. This title is in my stack of to-read books and today’s eclipse is a good reminder to move it to the top. Here are a couple of older, but intriguing, books posing questions about the subject:
For many years now, whenever I look at the bright disc above us in the night sky, I see it as a construct, and one that most likely wasn’t put there for our benefit. As George Lucas so boldly declared, “That’s no moon.” It’s more than just a rock, it’s more than even a base for some unspecified non-humans.
An artificial satellite of that size positioned precisely where it is as a constant companion around the earth implies its purpose must have something to do with planetary control. It may have been constructed to function as a monstrous frequency modulator (it rings like a bell) with the ability to affect physical aspects of the earth beyond the tides such as rotational rate, the toroidal energetic flow of the planet, and perhaps even time as we perceive it. If the moon wields that much power over the planet, it certainly impacts the consciousness of lifeforms on or in the earth, and could possibly even be used to disrupt communication with other species off-planet.
The designers of such a construct were obviously capable of a level of science and technology we can barely imagine, but whether those beings placed it in earth’s orbit or another group brought it here is presently a secondary concern. At this point in time, what is important for us to grasp is that the moon has most likely played a large part in human development (or lack thereof) as well as our isolation and is still functioning as a warden to keep us under someone’s control.
We have a lot to learn – and today’s eclipse is a dramatic reminder that we as a species damn well better discover just exactly what is circling our globe and all of our lives.

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.
Christopher Knight on March 3, 2018 at 10:23 am
Obviously, I couldn’t agree more. In my more recent book ‘God’s Blueprint” (a non-religious work) I have tried to extend the findings described in my risky titled book ‘Who Built the Moon’.
Obviously, I couldn’t agree more. In my more recent book ‘God’s Blueprint” (a non-religious work) I have tried to extend the findings described in my risky titled book ‘Who Built the Moon’.
Chris, your findings in Who Built the Moon? are intriguing, to say the least. I will add God’s Blueprint to my “must read” list. Thanks for stopping by my quiet corner of the universe!