If you were of a mind to control the people of the world, how would you do it?
Blatant lies?
Military might?
Conjured wars?
Physical constraints?
Superior technology?
Genetic interference?
Economic slavery?
Designed epidemics?
Enforced addiction?
Emotional bondage?
Regulation of food?
Weather control?
Covert mind control?
Programming through electronics?
Monopolize the media?
Skilled manipulation of planetary functions and energetics?
Staged geologic catastrophes?
Isolation from off-planet intelligence?
Illusory traps in the afterlife?
This is just a short list of techniques that have been employed throughout known history and are still being used to herd the human race. Machiavelli would be proud.
But how about this?
The most effective means of controlling masses of people is to control their beliefs.
We are what we believe. Our experience is created by our core beliefs.
Those who think they are in charge of this planet, at least on its surface, understand this concept very well. The tyranny of hierarchical beliefs has ruled human experience from the race’s inception. Almost every recorded culture has had at its heart some form of dogmatic religion, supposedly inspired by some supreme entity or entities, which was rigorously regulated by an elite priest caste. The progeny of the gods, installed as monarchs over the rest of humanity, ruled with absolute authority ascribed to the “divine right of kings.”
For thousands of years, the “average joe” who just wanted to have a decent life, to love his/her family, and to simply be a good person has been given a strict set of rules to live and die by in order to please the gods or survive under the ruling nobility. Intrinsically linked into parental and familial approval, the subservient mindset has produced highly successful, self-perpetuating systems of control that have been handed down through the generations. Such systems only work if everyone buys into them.
The cultures of today are no different. The rigid regulation of beliefs is rampant and diverse, contrary to most humans’ arrogant and rather pitiful conviction that our race has reached some kind of pinnacle in evolution. We still have a plethora of god-based religions, often mixed with rather bizarre and warped concepts about reality. We have governments and militaries cloaked in shallow, deceptive philosophical facades which rally and steer a globe full of humans into doing the bidding of a very small, select body. We have scientists and academicians whose authoritative dictates hold the thinking of everyday people within the bounds of iron-clad, opaque boxes.
Since the advent of democratic-type constructs, many parts of the world now live with the perceived ability of governing themselves; however, the laws that most in the Western world revere as something almost divine are only as strong or ethical as the belief systems of the individuals who write them. Alexis de Tocqueville warned us about the tyranny of the masses, and did anyone listen? In most societies, woe be to those who don’t believe the same things as the accepted norm. Majority rules? Yes, all too often with a very destructive hand. Quite simply, we still live under the damaging, base belief that “might is right.” Our statutes are peppered with poorly written, constrictive rules based on limited majority thinking that actually take away the right of an individual to choose otherwise.
The shift toward perceived freedom in democratic countries is really quite convenient for the global elite and the entities behind them. What better way to keep billions of chickens in line than for the chickens to willingly police themselves? Everywhere we turn, there is someone telling us what is real, what is healthy, what is dangerous, what is intelligent or stupid, what we should look like, how we should behave, what the rules are for survival in this society. Decades ago, I started to ask myself, “Let’s see, what is it that ‘they’ want me to believe today?” The flood of options driving people away from original thought or dynamic expansion is staggering.
So, how do you keep the vast majority of people docile and unquestioning, or, even better, militantly dedicated to protecting the status quo? In addition to the tried and true religious formulas, try raising the standard of living to a level above survival mode. Give the average person material wealth, comfortable living, electronic gadgets, mass hypnotic entertainment, tell him he’s free and better off than the rest of the world and he’ll swallow just about anything, even send his children off to fictional wars if told it will protect his way of life. Most folks are lazy and won’t rock the boat if they feel their families are relatively safe, comfortable, and having a good time. Even China, with its growing middle class, is learning the effectiveness of this strategy.
How do you derail individuals who consider themselves intelligent and keep them from expanding into knowledge or abilities you want to remain hidden? This one’s really easy – tell them they’re the smartest and the best, that they know it all, and reward them for their predominantly left-brain thinking with pedestals and wealth. It breeds arrogance, contempt, and cruelty which are passed down into the worshiping masses who blindly follow their dictums. This is exactly what we have within our current intelligentsia, especially in science, medicine, law, academics, the arts, and the sacrosanct world of corporate business.
And how are the reins kept in the hands of a small set of elite? For millennia, certain bloodlines were told that they were entitled to rule, that they were sired by and/or chosen by some kind of supreme entity. Countless wars have been fought, cold-blooded murder committed, countries formed and dissolved over the very peculiar belief in bloodline right of succession. The game of power has been the central driving force of the gentry throughout human history.
What are the terms for becoming a member of the ruling hierarchy today? You can bet bloodline still plays a very important role in positioning within the ruling ranks while wealth and connections to powerful entities (yes, you read that right) have given relatively new individuals and clans voices within the upper class’s designs for the globe.
Now, the big question is this: why would anyone want to control billions of human beings? Just for the megalomaniacal thrill of it? Well, there is that. Yes, some people (and entities) really get their rocks off on power, or at least perceived power over other people, animals, nature, whatever. It smacks of a crippled, weak psyche if you ask me.
There are also some “practical” reasons to control humans, from a certain point of view. Convenient slave labor for one. If you need a large workforce to accomplish something you want, like mining, building, food production, or warfare, you’d better make sure you have enough of workers to do the dirty work and that they are all easily handled.
But let’s not forget that human beings are emotional, energy-producing, frequency generators as well as tasty morsels of flesh and blood for some beings. If you believe that humans have no predators, think again. There is evidence throughout history that our fear has been, and continues to be, stimulated and harvested by someone or something which feeds from it. Not only that, the history of human sacrifice is as old as the race. Children disappear today in far too many numbers to be explained by random psychopaths. The historic toll of horrific deaths through warfare and catastrophe is shocking to the senses. Whether you want to believe it or not, it’s appallingly clear that someone or something eats humans and uses our blood from ceremonial or mass killings for horrific purposes we can barely imagine.
The control and abuse of the human race is not fantasy. Whether instigated by non-humans or created by self-serving human nobility, the primary vehicle for yoking us has been the manipulation of our beliefs. We have been driven as a collective AWAY from breaking the barriers set up to keep us dumb, subservient, and contained on this planet. I, for one, feel it’s high time we grow up and take over the direction of our own thinking, dismiss our controllers, and reconnect with the rest of intelligent life in the multiverse just waiting for us to “get it.” It would be a hell of a lot more interesting than recycling the same old bad dream over and over again.
So I’ll leave you with these thoughts:
Have you checked your own belief system lately? Where did your beliefs come from? Did someone or some system give them to you or did you carefully choose them for yourself? Are you a leaf on the river or do you carve your own riverbed?
Have you questioned any beliefs that put something or someone above you in value? Do any of your beliefs bring harm to someone else or contribute to the harm of other living beings? Do you impose your beliefs on anyone else in order to control them?
The world changes when we change our beliefs.
YOU are in control of what you believe. I wholeheartedly urge you to examine your personal framework and evaluate what you are creating with your thoughts and actions. Keep the beliefs that strengthen and support, and refuse to take on any that weaken or cause harm. If you find a belief which falls short of healthy ideals, be strong enough to change it!
I’m not saying it’s easy. Sometimes we’re so emotionally invested in beliefs we’ve grown up with or were given by someone we admire that we cling to them, certain we’d feel naked without them. Sometimes we feel cocky and laugh at ideas that the big names on TV tell us are stupid without realizing we’re being hurtful or led down a blind alley. Sometimes we enjoy browbeating our children into submission because, dammit, it was done to us, so now it’s our turn. Sometimes we’re cruel because … that’s the way it is and we’re entitled to be.
Take a look. Work on it. Dare to break out of your comfort zone to claim your own mind and a high set of values.
One of the highest compliments anyone ever gave me was to say that I had “no box.” I cheerfully strive every day to make sure that remains true.
Image by Duy Huynh

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.
If you were of a mind to control the people of the world, how would you do it?
Blatant lies?
Military might?
Conjured wars?
Physical constraints?
Superior technology?
Genetic interference?
Economic slavery?
Designed epidemics?
Enforced addiction?
Emotional bondage?
Regulation of food?
Weather control?
Covert mind control?
Programming through electronics?
Monopolize the media?
Skilled manipulation of planetary functions and energetics?
Staged geologic catastrophes?
Isolation from off-planet intelligence?
Illusory traps in the afterlife?
This is just a short list of techniques that have been employed throughout known history and are still being used to herd the human race. Machiavelli would be proud.
But how about this?
The most effective means of controlling masses of people is to control their beliefs.
We are what we believe. Our experience is created by our core beliefs.
Those who think they are in charge of this planet, at least on its surface, understand this concept very well. The tyranny of hierarchical beliefs has ruled human experience from the race’s inception. Almost every recorded culture has had at its heart some form of dogmatic religion, supposedly inspired by some supreme entity or entities, which was rigorously regulated by an elite priest caste. The progeny of the gods, installed as monarchs over the rest of humanity, ruled with absolute authority ascribed to the “divine right of kings.”
For thousands of years, the “average joe” who just wanted to have a decent life, to love his/her family, and to simply be a good person has been given a strict set of rules to live and die by in order to please the gods or survive under the ruling nobility. Intrinsically linked into parental and familial approval, the subservient mindset has produced highly successful, self-perpetuating systems of control that have been handed down through the generations. Such systems only work if everyone buys into them.
The cultures of today are no different. The rigid regulation of beliefs is rampant and diverse, contrary to most humans’ arrogant and rather pitiful conviction that our race has reached some kind of pinnacle in evolution. We still have a plethora of god-based religions, often mixed with rather bizarre and warped concepts about reality. We have governments and militaries cloaked in shallow, deceptive philosophical facades which rally and steer a globe full of humans into doing the bidding of a very small, select body. We have scientists and academicians whose authoritative dictates hold the thinking of everyday people within the bounds of iron-clad, opaque boxes.
Since the advent of democratic-type constructs, many parts of the world now live with the perceived ability of governing themselves; however, the laws that most in the Western world revere as something almost divine are only as strong or ethical as the belief systems of the individuals who write them. Alexis de Tocqueville warned us about the tyranny of the masses, and did anyone listen? In most societies, woe be to those who don’t believe the same things as the accepted norm. Majority rules? Yes, all too often with a very destructive hand. Quite simply, we still live under the damaging, base belief that “might is right.” Our statutes are peppered with poorly written, constrictive rules based on limited majority thinking that actually take away the right of an individual to choose otherwise.
The shift toward perceived freedom in democratic countries is really quite convenient for the global elite and the entities behind them. What better way to keep billions of chickens in line than for the chickens to willingly police themselves? Everywhere we turn, there is someone telling us what is real, what is healthy, what is dangerous, what is intelligent or stupid, what we should look like, how we should behave, what the rules are for survival in this society. Decades ago, I started to ask myself, “Let’s see, what is it that ‘they’ want me to believe today?” The flood of options driving people away from original thought or dynamic expansion is staggering.
So, how do you keep the vast majority of people docile and unquestioning, or, even better, militantly dedicated to protecting the status quo? In addition to the tried and true religious formulas, try raising the standard of living to a level above survival mode. Give the average person material wealth, comfortable living, electronic gadgets, mass hypnotic entertainment, tell him he’s free and better off than the rest of the world and he’ll swallow just about anything, even send his children off to fictional wars if told it will protect his way of life. Most folks are lazy and won’t rock the boat if they feel their families are relatively safe, comfortable, and having a good time. Even China, with its growing middle class, is learning the effectiveness of this strategy.
How do you derail individuals who consider themselves intelligent and keep them from expanding into knowledge or abilities you want to remain hidden? This one’s really easy – tell them they’re the smartest and the best, that they know it all, and reward them for their predominantly left-brain thinking with pedestals and wealth. It breeds arrogance, contempt, and cruelty which are passed down into the worshiping masses who blindly follow their dictums. This is exactly what we have within our current intelligentsia, especially in science, medicine, law, academics, the arts, and the sacrosanct world of corporate business.
And how are the reins kept in the hands of a small set of elite? For millennia, certain bloodlines were told that they were entitled to rule, that they were sired by and/or chosen by some kind of supreme entity. Countless wars have been fought, cold-blooded murder committed, countries formed and dissolved over the very peculiar belief in bloodline right of succession. The game of power has been the central driving force of the gentry throughout human history.
What are the terms for becoming a member of the ruling hierarchy today? You can bet bloodline still plays a very important role in positioning within the ruling ranks while wealth and connections to powerful entities (yes, you read that right) have given relatively new individuals and clans voices within the upper class’s designs for the globe.
Now, the big question is this: why would anyone want to control billions of human beings? Just for the megalomaniacal thrill of it? Well, there is that. Yes, some people (and entities) really get their rocks off on power, or at least perceived power over other people, animals, nature, whatever. It smacks of a crippled, weak psyche if you ask me.
There are also some “practical” reasons to control humans, from a certain point of view. Convenient slave labor for one. If you need a large workforce to accomplish something you want, like mining, building, food production, or warfare, you’d better make sure you have enough of workers to do the dirty work and that they are all easily handled.
But let’s not forget that human beings are emotional, energy-producing, frequency generators as well as tasty morsels of flesh and blood for some beings. If you believe that humans have no predators, think again. There is evidence throughout history that our fear has been, and continues to be, stimulated and harvested by someone or something which feeds from it. Not only that, the history of human sacrifice is as old as the race. Children disappear today in far too many numbers to be explained by random psychopaths. The historic toll of horrific deaths through warfare and catastrophe is shocking to the senses. Whether you want to believe it or not, it’s appallingly clear that someone or something eats humans and uses our blood from ceremonial or mass killings for horrific purposes we can barely imagine.
The control and abuse of the human race is not fantasy. Whether instigated by non-humans or created by self-serving human nobility, the primary vehicle for yoking us has been the manipulation of our beliefs. We have been driven as a collective AWAY from breaking the barriers set up to keep us dumb, subservient, and contained on this planet. I, for one, feel it’s high time we grow up and take over the direction of our own thinking, dismiss our controllers, and reconnect with the rest of intelligent life in the multiverse just waiting for us to “get it.” It would be a hell of a lot more interesting than recycling the same old bad dream over and over again.
So I’ll leave you with these thoughts:
Have you checked your own belief system lately? Where did your beliefs come from? Did someone or some system give them to you or did you carefully choose them for yourself? Are you a leaf on the river or do you carve your own riverbed?
Have you questioned any beliefs that put something or someone above you in value? Do any of your beliefs bring harm to someone else or contribute to the harm of other living beings? Do you impose your beliefs on anyone else in order to control them?
The world changes when we change our beliefs.
YOU are in control of what you believe. I wholeheartedly urge you to examine your personal framework and evaluate what you are creating with your thoughts and actions. Keep the beliefs that strengthen and support, and refuse to take on any that weaken or cause harm. If you find a belief which falls short of healthy ideals, be strong enough to change it!
I’m not saying it’s easy. Sometimes we’re so emotionally invested in beliefs we’ve grown up with or were given by someone we admire that we cling to them, certain we’d feel naked without them. Sometimes we feel cocky and laugh at ideas that the big names on TV tell us are stupid without realizing we’re being hurtful or led down a blind alley. Sometimes we enjoy browbeating our children into submission because, dammit, it was done to us, so now it’s our turn. Sometimes we’re cruel because … that’s the way it is and we’re entitled to be.
Take a look. Work on it. Dare to break out of your comfort zone to claim your own mind and a high set of values.
One of the highest compliments anyone ever gave me was to say that I had “no box.” I cheerfully strive every day to make sure that remains true.
Image by Duy Huynh

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.