Since I began promoting my work, I’ve given thousands, of copies of my publications away. To give my subscribers a taste of what my stories are about and the kind of worlds that are waiting to be discovered on their e-readers, I started a series of posts in my newsletter which highlight the coolest aspects of the T’nari Universe (collected below).
In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, the old race of crested, upright reptilian Ka Drahks from Draco is spreading violence and tyranny throughout the populated systems of the galaxy.
The misogynist elite are addicted to aurum which allows them to metabolize fear and grants them superior health and longevity. They stand 8-9 feet tall and have retractable claws in their fingertips.
The Drahkian nobility is completely focused in physicality and values hand-to-hand fighting skills in the arena. Their culture is rigidly hierarchical with the Ka caste ruling over Sobek and Torg reptilians who handle the hordes of vicious, trained saur beasts for their Drahkian masters.
In their quest for domination and wealth, the Drahks employ unknown technologies to transport warships instantly through stargates and to break through planetary portal locks. Their fleet of moon-sized destroyers, capable of decimating entire planets, is completely unfazed by conventional weapons. Populations that fall to Drahkian rule are used, abused, and terrorized to provide sustenance and entertainment for the reptilian conquerors.

In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, we encounter a variety of interplanetary vessels.
The Drahkian Empire flies enormous charcoal gray warship discs which are heavily armed and are capable of transporting instantly from point to point and between star systems using an unknown technology. The Drahks also possess an elite fleet of concave dish destroyers and spherical destroyers the size of small moons with the power to decimate planets.
In the Pleiadian system, the Alcyone, Maian, and Meropean worlds at one time flew mechanical starships which were dependent upon an old network of transport rings for interstellar travel. After the arrival of the Sirian Makhás Masters, the Alcyoni built a new fleet of crystalline starships and trained in psychic and sound energetics to fly them. The Maian Fleet continues to fly the swift, golden Birdwing vessels, but has also shifted from mechanical to psychic operation.

There is a wide variety of talents that fall within the realm of psychic ability. I, myself, have what some cultures call “second sight” or internal vision. I’ve known others who are extremely gifted in reading subtle energies within people, objects, mathematical patterns, or stellar alignments.
In the worlds of the T’nari renegades, we encounter several kinds of psychics.
The telepathic Makhás Masters of Sirius have highly sophisticated abilities which employ sound energetics and sexuality to charge and transport starships through stargates and control planetary portal locks. (Decent of the Maw)
The shapeshifters of Algol are touch-sensitive psychics able to read another’s emotions and physical patterns through touch. (Flare Shifter)
The adepts of Denár use the power of sound and energetic sigils tatooed into their skin to shift the frequency of their physical forms into higher or lower states. (T’nari Blood Claim). x

In the forthcoming novels of the series, we meet several more groups of psychics.
The Alcyoni and Maian Fleets in the Pleiades have all been trained by the Sirian Makhás Masters and fly newly created sentient Khalama starships.
The Dreamwalkers of Schedar are adept at moving through the Dreamcore in a lucid state.
The Tahni mages of Ti’uan in the Pleiadian system of Alcyone work in concert with the T’nari Game Masters to orchestrate events throughout the timeshells.
In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, the Makhás Masters from Sirius developed highly sophisticated abilities and technology based on geometry and sound. Using specific resonant tones to create an energetic construct, teams of adepts can move and shield starships, open and shift through stargates, transport objects instantly between two points, and control the portals of planetary energy grids. Chords and geometric matrices can also be activated and manipulated psychically.
Hidden within the Pleiades is the ancient construct of Ti’angriel, a fluctuating collection of huge geometric forms spreading for miles at the base of a craggy mountain range. The site can be accessed physically, psychically, and by walking the Dreamcore. The forms are perceived differently by each individual visitor and can be used to activate codes within the blood.

In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, most cultures on populated worlds throughout the galaxy have developed the means of harnessing portals within the natural energetic grids of their worlds. The converging strands within a portal zone can be controlled by the inhabitants using various mechanical technologies or by highly skilled psychic adepts to allow access through the planetary grid. Smaller populated worlds generally have one functioning portal while larger worlds may support two locked portals.

In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, a group of ancient beings has come together to form a family of consciousness with a united purpose. Originally part of a clan of creator beings who designed countless worlds and lifeforms, the T’nari Gamemasters have taken it upon themselves to clean up and redirect those portions of the grand experiments which have soured or become addicted to destructive experience.
To that end, the gamemasters work in conjunction with the keepers of time to slip and slide through the corridors of time, sending incarnations of themselves into worlds quagmired by violence and pain in order to change the game from the inside. These incarnations find and help each other through the T’nari League and are guided by their core selves through difficult challenges and hardships. Together the T’nari open up new probabilities and bring fresh vitality into segments of reality that have stalled or become trapped in cyclical bad dreams.

In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, the dreamwalkers from the decimated worlds of Schedar use their advanced talents in lucid dreaming to maintain a network among the surviving Schedaran colonies scattered across a dozen worlds. Their skills become a primary tool employed by the T’nari League to further their goals in altering the destructive course of the Drahkian Empire.

In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, it is well understood that gold is part of what allows dimensional doors to open. It is a primary component within highly refined technologies used for interstellar transport and planetary portal control.
In the hands of skilled craftsmen, gold can be fashioned into intricate devices and amulets which assist individuals to track bloodlines or open instantaneous communication channels which bridge space and time.
Gold in its monatomic form, known as “white powdered gold” or the drug aurum, is produced and consumed as an enhancement to health and longevity. For some reptilian races, the substance has the effect of allowing the body to metabolize frequency, in particular, anger and fear.
SPECIAL NOTE: Ryder Dundalk, the protagonist of Flare Shifter, is a master goldsmith. He is a central character within the entire series.

In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, the T’nari gamemasters steer their incarnations into situations which will fire the latent abilities and memories hidden within their blood codes.
While code activation can be achieved with drive and intention alone, the process is greatly enhanced through bonded sexuality, sound, physical or psychic contact with those already activated, or geometric constructs.

In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, it is understood that planetary bodies possess multiple dimensions within their physical expressions. Some cultures create networks and portals which connect populated dimensions.
On Tarsus in the Alcyone system, the bulk of the human population resides in one dimension referred to as First Shade. Four other shades are homes to cetaceans, insects, the Schedaran clan of refugees, and planetary elders.
While some have been trained to access these shades directly though psychic transport, others use a network of inlaid stone mosaic courtyards which hold the geometry and energetics necessary to make a dimensional shift.

In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, it is understood that one of the properties of blood is that it holds an energetic imprint which can be positive or negative, according to the experience or intention of the provider. The antagonist of Blood of the Prime uses blood to mark and bind his captains, while the lead heroine uses her own blood to imprint and protect her mate.

The Schedaran cultures revere and employ the power of women’s blood which nurtures new life. Their rituals use cast circles of blood to create energetically protected spaces and combine collected blood with male fluids to nourish food crops. Before their worlds were decimated by the Drahkian Empire, Schedarans employed women’s blood in technology to protect their planetary portals.
On the other side of the equation, the reptilians of the Drahkian Empire use the power of blood spilled with violence to fill and activate the enormous disruptors made of activated gold which they use to break through and reset planetary portal locks.
In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, the elven-type race known as the Tahni was seeded on many planets, including Ti’uan in Alcyone and Unakiri in Rasalhague. The Tahni clans are highly skilled in energetic manipulation through sound and sigils. The mages of Ti’uan are guardians of Ti’angriel, the geometric city constructed to activate blood codes, while the mages of Unakiri are master healers.
Multi-dimensional dragon clans were the original designers of carbon-based life within Genán’s Galaxy (the Milky Way) and established many races and lifeforms across a multitude of worlds. Schisms developed within the reptilian races and after the great Reptilian Wars, many dragons hid within their creations while some withdrew from physical existence altogether.
One family, led by Angriel and her offspring, established a hidden set of DNA repositories to protect their designs from destruction, but the banks eventually were discovered and overrun by covetous factions of their own descendants. One group of dragon entities joined together to recover the lost databanks and heal the deep wounds caused by the reptilian races. This renegade group became known as the T’nari League with incarnations of themselves sprinkled throughout the timelines and worlds of Genán’s Galaxy.

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.
Since I began promoting my work, I’ve given thousands, of copies of my publications away. To give my subscribers a taste of what my stories are about and the kind of worlds that are waiting to be discovered on their e-readers, I started a series of posts in my newsletter which highlight the coolest aspects of the T’nari Universe (collected below).
In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, the old race of crested, upright reptilian Ka Drahks from Draco is spreading violence and tyranny throughout the populated systems of the galaxy.
The misogynist elite are addicted to aurum which allows them to metabolize fear and grants them superior health and longevity. They stand 8-9 feet tall and have retractable claws in their fingertips.
The Drahkian nobility is completely focused in physicality and values hand-to-hand fighting skills in the arena. Their culture is rigidly hierarchical with the Ka caste ruling over Sobek and Torg reptilians who handle the hordes of vicious, trained saur beasts for their Drahkian masters.
In their quest for domination and wealth, the Drahks employ unknown technologies to transport warships instantly through stargates and to break through planetary portal locks. Their fleet of moon-sized destroyers, capable of decimating entire planets, is completely unfazed by conventional weapons. Populations that fall to Drahkian rule are used, abused, and terrorized to provide sustenance and entertainment for the reptilian conquerors.

In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, we encounter a variety of interplanetary vessels.
The Drahkian Empire flies enormous charcoal gray warship discs which are heavily armed and are capable of transporting instantly from point to point and between star systems using an unknown technology. The Drahks also possess an elite fleet of concave dish destroyers and spherical destroyers the size of small moons with the power to decimate planets.
In the Pleiadian system, the Alcyone, Maian, and Meropean worlds at one time flew mechanical starships which were dependent upon an old network of transport rings for interstellar travel. After the arrival of the Sirian Makhás Masters, the Alcyoni built a new fleet of crystalline starships and trained in psychic and sound energetics to fly them. The Maian Fleet continues to fly the swift, golden Birdwing vessels, but has also shifted from mechanical to psychic operation.

There is a wide variety of talents that fall within the realm of psychic ability. I, myself, have what some cultures call “second sight” or internal vision. I’ve known others who are extremely gifted in reading subtle energies within people, objects, mathematical patterns, or stellar alignments.
In the worlds of the T’nari renegades, we encounter several kinds of psychics.
The telepathic Makhás Masters of Sirius have highly sophisticated abilities which employ sound energetics and sexuality to charge and transport starships through stargates and control planetary portal locks. (Decent of the Maw)
The shapeshifters of Algol are touch-sensitive psychics able to read another’s emotions and physical patterns through touch. (Flare Shifter)
The adepts of Denár use the power of sound and energetic sigils tatooed into their skin to shift the frequency of their physical forms into higher or lower states. (T’nari Blood Claim). x

In the forthcoming novels of the series, we meet several more groups of psychics.
The Alcyoni and Maian Fleets in the Pleiades have all been trained by the Sirian Makhás Masters and fly newly created sentient Khalama starships.
The Dreamwalkers of Schedar are adept at moving through the Dreamcore in a lucid state.
The Tahni mages of Ti’uan in the Pleiadian system of Alcyone work in concert with the T’nari Game Masters to orchestrate events throughout the timeshells.
In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, the Makhás Masters from Sirius developed highly sophisticated abilities and technology based on geometry and sound. Using specific resonant tones to create an energetic construct, teams of adepts can move and shield starships, open and shift through stargates, transport objects instantly between two points, and control the portals of planetary energy grids. Chords and geometric matrices can also be activated and manipulated psychically.
Hidden within the Pleiades is the ancient construct of Ti’angriel, a fluctuating collection of huge geometric forms spreading for miles at the base of a craggy mountain range. The site can be accessed physically, psychically, and by walking the Dreamcore. The forms are perceived differently by each individual visitor and can be used to activate codes within the blood.

In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, most cultures on populated worlds throughout the galaxy have developed the means of harnessing portals within the natural energetic grids of their worlds. The converging strands within a portal zone can be controlled by the inhabitants using various mechanical technologies or by highly skilled psychic adepts to allow access through the planetary grid. Smaller populated worlds generally have one functioning portal while larger worlds may support two locked portals.

The vibration and movement within individual stars generate unique geometric configurations or signatures known as stargates. Interstellar travel can be accomplished through mechanical transport rings positioned outside planetary portals which are attuned to specific stargates. Some cultures possess the technology or psychic ability to link with stargates directly and transport ships or themselves instantly to another star system.
In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, a group of ancient beings has come together to form a family of consciousness with a united purpose. Originally part of a clan of creator beings who designed countless worlds and lifeforms, the T’nari Gamemasters have taken it upon themselves to clean up and redirect those portions of the grand experiments which have soured or become addicted to destructive experience.
To that end, the gamemasters work in conjunction with the keepers of time to slip and slide through the corridors of time, sending incarnations of themselves into worlds quagmired by violence and pain in order to change the game from the inside. These incarnations find and help each other through the T’nari League and are guided by their core selves through difficult challenges and hardships. Together the T’nari open up new probabilities and bring fresh vitality into segments of reality that have stalled or become trapped in cyclical bad dreams.

In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, the dreamwalkers from the decimated worlds of Schedar use their advanced talents in lucid dreaming to maintain a network among the surviving Schedaran colonies scattered across a dozen worlds. Their skills become a primary tool employed by the T’nari League to further their goals in altering the destructive course of the Drahkian Empire.
The deathwalkers of Alcyone are highly adept psychics whose role is to assist living beings transition from corporeal into non-physical experience at the point of death and a period thereafter. They help those still living maintain emotional health and balance by teaching them to bridge with the minds of those who have passed on. Deathwalkers undergo a period of training with the mysterious Elders within the interior of each planet and are guided by the Elders in many aspects of their work.
In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, it is well understood that gold is part of what allows dimensional doors to open. It is a primary component within highly refined technologies used for interstellar transport and planetary portal control.
In the hands of skilled craftsmen, gold can be fashioned into intricate devices and amulets which assist individuals to track bloodlines or open instantaneous communication channels which bridge space and time.
Gold in its monatomic form, known as “white powdered gold” or the drug aurum, is produced and consumed as an enhancement to health and longevity. For some reptilian races, the substance has the effect of allowing the body to metabolize frequency, in particular, anger and fear.
SPECIAL NOTE: Ryder Dundalk, the protagonist of Flare Shifter, is a master goldsmith. He is a central character within the entire series.

In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, the T’nari gamemasters steer their incarnations into situations which will fire the latent abilities and memories hidden within their blood codes.
While code activation can be achieved with drive and intention alone, the process is greatly enhanced through bonded sexuality, sound, physical or psychic contact with those already activated, or geometric constructs.
The original designers of carbon-based life built a network of constructs throughout the galaxy which can be used to awaken dormant pieces of helix strands. One such site is Ti’angriel, hidden in a pocket of the Pleiades and accessed through the Dreamcore or direct projection. The site plays a pivotal role in the awakening of the T’nari players throughout the entire series.
In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, it is understood that planetary bodies possess multiple dimensions within their physical expressions. Some cultures create networks and portals which connect populated dimensions.
On Tarsus in the Alcyone system, the bulk of the human population resides in one dimension referred to as First Shade. Four other shades are homes to cetaceans, insects, the Schedaran clan of refugees, and planetary elders.
While some have been trained to access these shades directly though psychic transport, others use a network of inlaid stone mosaic courtyards which hold the geometry and energetics necessary to make a dimensional shift.

In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, it is understood that one of the properties of blood is that it holds an energetic imprint which can be positive or negative, according to the experience or intention of the provider. The antagonist of Blood of the Prime uses blood to mark and bind his captains, while the lead heroine uses her own blood to imprint and protect her mate.

The Schedaran cultures revere and employ the power of women’s blood which nurtures new life. Their rituals use cast circles of blood to create energetically protected spaces and combine collected blood with male fluids to nourish food crops. Before their worlds were decimated by the Drahkian Empire, Schedarans employed women’s blood in technology to protect their planetary portals.
On the other side of the equation, the reptilians of the Drahkian Empire use the power of blood spilled with violence to fill and activate the enormous disruptors made of activated gold which they use to break through and reset planetary portal locks.
In the futuristic worlds of the T’nari renegades, the elven-type race known as the Tahni was seeded on many planets, including Ti’uan in Alcyone and Unakiri in Rasalhague. The Tahni clans are highly skilled in energetic manipulation through sound and sigils. The mages of Ti’uan are guardians of Ti’angriel, the geometric city constructed to activate blood codes, while the mages of Unakiri are master healers.
Multi-dimensional dragon clans were the original designers of carbon-based life within Genán’s Galaxy (the Milky Way) and established many races and lifeforms across a multitude of worlds. Schisms developed within the reptilian races and after the great Reptilian Wars, many dragons hid within their creations while some withdrew from physical existence altogether.
One family, led by Angriel and her offspring, established a hidden set of DNA repositories to protect their designs from destruction, but the banks eventually were discovered and overrun by covetous factions of their own descendants. One group of dragon entities joined together to recover the lost databanks and heal the deep wounds caused by the reptilian races. This renegade group became known as the T’nari League with incarnations of themselves sprinkled throughout the timelines and worlds of Genán’s Galaxy.

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.