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This time around, I wear the face of an American, and I must say, it’s been a decidedly strange ride.
In college I studied everything under the sun with the aim of becoming a novelist: languages, literature, politics, art history, film, and even spent time in Germany as a Fulbright Scholar. But it wasn’t until years later after a good deal of globetrotting, reading, listening, and bizarre experiences that I finally had something compelling to say.
In my quest to explore past the limitations of conventional thinking, I’ve traveled extensively throughout the United States, Europe and the British Isles, and ventured into the ancient sites of Egypt, Bali, Java, Peru, Bolivia, and Mexico. I’ve seen and sensed things, both amazing and disturbing, that no one can explain. The realities of our world are far weirder and more screwed up than anything we’ve been told.
My work is cross-genre science fiction with far-reaching concepts and elements of the so-called fantastic. I write about reptiles, hidden abilities and depths to our experience which need to be looked at point-blank. My primary focus is expansion and finding solutions that move far beyond “kill the bad guy.” My worlds and characters are larger than life – as we currently know it. Thank heavens.
I live with my family in the Pacific Northwest where the rain is soft and the magnificent Douglas Firs are humbling.
Reality Raiders Press is a small, independent publisher dedicated solely to producing the science fantasy fiction of Erin MacMichael.
Reality Raiders Press book covers, interior artwork and book design, logos, website images and design are all original work by Erin MacMichael created with Corel Painter and Photoshop. All rights reserved.
Photos: Credit is given for photos used on this site wherever possible. If you can supply missing credit for a photo, please contact us with the details so they can be added beneath the image.
We’re a family of consciousness who share a common goal: we bust systems open from the inside out. We clean up messes. We design new probabilities. We bring change.
This time around, I wear the face of an American, and I must say, it’s been a decidedly strange ride.
In college I studied everything under the sun with the aim of becoming a novelist: languages, literature, politics, art history, film, and even spent time in Germany as a Fulbright Scholar. But it wasn’t until years later after a good deal of globetrotting, reading, listening, and bizarre experiences that I finally had something compelling to say.
In my quest to explore past the limitations of conventional thinking, I’ve traveled extensively throughout the United States, Europe and the British Isles, and ventured into the ancient sites of Egypt, Bali, Java, Peru, Bolivia, and Mexico. I’ve seen and sensed things, both amazing and disturbing, that no one can explain. The realities of our world are far weirder and more screwed up than anything we’ve been told.
My work is cross-genre science fiction with far-reaching concepts and elements of the so-called fantastic. I write about reptiles, hidden abilities and depths to our experience which need to be looked at point-blank. My primary focus is expansion and finding solutions that move far beyond “kill the bad guy.” My worlds and characters are larger than life – as we currently know it. Thank heavens.
I live with my family in the Pacific Northwest where the rain is soft and the magnificent Douglas Firs are humbling.
Reality Raiders Press is a small, independent publisher dedicated solely to producing the science fantasy fiction of Erin MacMichael.
Unless otherwise credited, Reality Raiders Press book covers, interior artwork and book design, logos, website images and design are all original work by Erin MacMichael created with Corel Painter and Photoshop. All rights reserved.
We’re a family of consciousness who share a common goal: we bust systems open from the inside out. We clean up messes. We design new probabilities. We bring change.