Are you ready? The greatest secret of the universe is this:
Yes, that’s it. Simple. Direct. Axiomatic.
Just what exactly does thought create? Everything: matter, form, patterns, design, events, time, experience, you name it. In other words, everything we are, everything we perceive and encounter exists because it was thought into being. If there is thought, there is movement, creation.
That’s no big deal, you may think. Ah, but it is. It’s the biggest. And that’s why it’s been kept a secret–it’s empowering.
Thought and creation are not just limited to a “supreme being” (I’ll address that “supreme” bit in another article). Every thing, every being who thinks is a creator. Instead of “I think, therefore I am,” extend it on to “I think, therefore I create.”
As thinking beings (theoretically), we create our worlds according to what we think. We create our bodies, our lives, our dreams, our emotions, our perceptions. We breed and organize cultures, invent ideas, design and build contraptions. We also create our own limitations, our own pain and grief, and, quite often, our own servitude. We are what we believe. We create our experience within this reality, and perhaps unwittingly, in others.
I’ve been living with this integral concept most of my life. Growing up, I was surrounded by conventional American thinking that tells us we’re either biological accidents in a non-thinking universe or else we’re children of some god-thing that has complete power over everything we do. Huh? Are you kidding me? We are so much more than either of those shallow definitions describe. When I was twelve, I remember sitting in a tree thinking, “Ok, someday, someone is going to come along to tell me this was all a big joke.” That’s how absurd I found my world. The quest began.
In my early twenties the Seth book The Nature of Personal Reality
“fell” into my hands, oddly enough, in a used bookstore in Amsterdam. Oh my stars, someone finally said out loud what I had instinctively known all along: we each create our own reality according to our beliefs — we are that powerful. When I read those words, my gut screamed an overwhelming yes! and I’ve never looked back. Finally, I had a clearly-stated foundational concept that cut to the chase.
It was a milestone in my personal journey which moved beyond that initial “ah-hah” to exploring just what this important idea implies, individually and as a race. To understand this basic principle and to live by it carries an awesome responsibility. Your life, your family, your cultural experience are not random accidents or the results of some other being’s will. Victimhood is entirely redefined.
Thought creates.
This is the standard by which I measure any framework of beliefs.
Does a religion or philosophy acknowledge human ability and responsibility as creators?
If not, it fails. Period.
Sadly, not only is the concept lacking in most human belief systems, but they actually steer people away from this vital understanding of what we are.
In my view, every child born deserves to know what remarkable beings we are and needs to be taught how to handle the awesome power of thought. I guided my children with this principle from day one and how did they turn out? My sons are thinking, feeling, balanced, intelligent, capable people who, for the most part, know how to own the good and the not-so-fun challenges they’ve manifested and the people they’ve drawn into their lives. As a parent, I couldn’t have given them a greater gift and I’m proud that they are aware, awake beings who are strong enough to live their own power.
What would this world be like if everyone, or even most human beings, lived as empowered creators? It would be a vastly different place.
What are you creating with your thoughts?
Image credit: Bruce Rolff

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.
Are you ready? The greatest secret of the universe is this:
Yes, that’s it. Simple. Direct. Axiomatic.
Just what exactly does thought create? Everything: matter, form, patterns, design, events, time, experience, you name it. In other words, everything we are, everything we perceive and encounter exists because it was thought into being. If there is thought, there is movement, creation.
That’s no big deal, you may think. Ah, but it is. It’s the biggest. And that’s why it’s been kept a secret — it’s empowering.
Thought and creation are not just limited to a “supreme being” (I’ll address that “supreme” bit in another article). Every thing, every being who thinks is a creator. Instead of “I think, therefore I am,” extend it on to “I think, therefore I create.”
As thinking beings (theoretically), we create our worlds according to what we think. We create our bodies, our lives, our dreams, our emotions, our perceptions. We breed and organize cultures, invent ideas, design and build contraptions. We also create our own limitations, our own pain and grief, and, quite often, our own servitude. We are what we believe. We create our experience within this reality, and perhaps unwittingly, in others.
I’ve been living with this integral concept most of my life. Growing up, I was surrounded by conventional American thinking that tells us we’re either biological accidents in a non-thinking universe or else we’re children of some god-thing that has complete power over everything we do. Huh? Are you kidding me? We are so much more than either of those shallow definitions describe. When I was twelve, I remember sitting in a tree thinking, “Ok, someday, someone is going to come along to tell me this was all a big joke.” That’s how absurd I found my world. The quest began.
In my early twenties the Seth book The Nature of Personal Reality“fell” into my hands, oddly enough, in a used bookstore in Amsterdam. Oh my stars, someone finally said out loud what I had instinctively known all along: we each create our own reality according to our beliefs — we are that powerful. When I read those words, my gut screamed an overwhelming yes! and I’ve never looked back. Finally, I had a clearly-stated foundational concept that cut to the chase.
It was a milestone in my personal journey which moved beyond that initial “ah-hah” to exploring just what this important idea implies, individually and as a race. To understand this basic principle and to live by it carries an awesome responsibility. Your life, your family, your cultural experience are not random accidents or the results of some other being’s will. Victimhood is entirely redefined.
Thought creates.
This is the standard by which I measure any framework of beliefs.
Does a religion or philosophy acknowledge human ability and responsibility as creators?
If not, it fails. Period.
Sadly, not only is the concept lacking in most human belief systems, but they actually steer people away from this vital understanding of what we are.
In my view, every child born deserves to know what remarkable beings we are and needs to be taught how to handle the awesome power of thought. I guided my children with this principle from day one and how did they turn out? My sons are thinking, feeling, balanced, intelligent, capable people who, for the most part, know how to own the good and the not-so-fun challenges they’ve manifested and the people they’ve drawn into their lives. As a parent, I couldn’t have given them a greater gift and I’m proud that they are aware, awake beings who are strong enough to live their own power.
What would this world be like if everyone, or even most human beings, lived as empowered creators? It would be a vastly different place.
What are you creating with your thoughts?
Image credit: Bruce Rolff

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.