In the T’nari Renegades series, the tiger clan Makhás Masters from the Sirian world of Lyonnae have been nearly wiped out by the elite oligarchy of the lion clans. Their highly developed abilities with sound energetics and bell-making as well as the decimation of their culture by the Shitza are loosely based on Tibet.
Kirian and Selina Vall are both characters from Blood of the Prime which I wrote twenty years ago, but most of the new characters and places created for the Valls’ backstory told in Descent of the Maw were given Tibetan or Chinese names. Here is a partial list:
Makhás Masters:
From Tibetan word “mkhas,” meaning “skilled, wise”
Ustagi tiger clans:
From Tibetan word “stag,” meaning “tiger”
Shitza lion clans:
From Chinese word “shitza” meaning “lion”
Khalama sentient crystalline starships:
Tibetan name meaning “sky path”
Yeshe, title of Makhás leader:
Based on Tibetan name meaning “wise one”
Name of sacred crystal mountain in Tibet
Rinzen, last sentient Khalama starship:
Tibetan name meaning “holder of intellect”
Torma, escaped Khalama starship:
Tibetan name meaning “magic stone”
Sundar Vall, Makhas Yeshe, father of Kirian and Selina:
Hindu name meaning “charming, handsome”
Pema Vall, mother of Kirian and Selina:
Tibetan name meaning “lotus”
Sera Choden, former Makhás Yeshe
Tibetan name meaning “devout one”
Tashi Choden, Portal Master, son of Sera
Tibetan name meaning “lucky” / Tibetan name meaning “devout one”
Minla Choden, Kirian’s wife, Lady of the Bells, daughter of Tashi
Tibetan name meaning “devout one”
Tenzin Ngari, elder adept with the knowledge of ship-birthing, former spark for Rinzen, head of ship shields team:
Tibetan name meaning “keeper of teachings” / Tibetan place name
Kalden Ngari, senior adept, head of ship motion team, son of Tenzin:
Tibetan name meaning “of the golden age” / Tibetan place name
Anil Ngari, adept, spark for Rinzen, head of ship motion team, son of Kalden, husband of Nandi:
Tibetan name meaning “wind” / Tibetan place name
Nandi Ngari, adept, spark for Rinzen, head of ship shields team, wife of Anil:
Tibetan place name
Arman Sijia, adept, head of portal team, master bellmaker:
Tibetan place name
Senga Shengeti, senior adept:
Tibetan name meaning “lion” / Tibetan place name
Asti Quli, adept, teacher and scholar:
Tibetan place name
Niyal Quli, adept, master bellmaker:
Tibetan place name
Skamár Quli, adept, member of transport team, daughter of Asti and Niyal:
Tibetan name meaning “star” / Tibetan place name
Chao Rong, leader of Shitza oligarchy:
Chinese names: Chao means “surpass” and Rong means “glory”

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.
In the T’nari Renegades series, the tiger clan Makhás Masters from the Sirian world of Lyonnae have been nearly wiped out by the elite oligarchy of the lion clans. Their highly developed abilities with sound energetics and bell-making as well as the decimation of their culture by the Shitza are loosely based on Tibet.
Kirian and Selina Vall are both characters from Blood of the Prime which I wrote twenty years ago, but most of the new characters and places created for the Valls’ backstory told in Descent of the Maw were given Tibetan or Chinese names. Here is a partial list:
Makhás Masters:
From Tibetan word “mkhas,” meaning “skilled, wise”
Ustagi tiger clans:
From Tibetan word “stag,” meaning “tiger”
Shitza lion clans:
From Chinese word “shitza” meaning “lion”
Khalama sentient crystalline starships:
Tibetan name meaning “sky path”
Yeshe, title of Makhás leader:
Based on Tibetan name meaning “wise one”
Name of sacred crystal mountain in Tibet
Rinzen, last sentient Khalama starship:
Tibetan name meaning “holder of intellect”
Torma, escaped Khalama starship:
Tibetan name meaning “magic stone”
Sundar Vall, Makhas Yeshe, father of Kirian and Selina:
Hindu name meaning “charming, handsome”
Pema Vall, mother of Kirian and Selina:
Tibetan name meaning “lotus”
Sera Choden, former Makhás Yeshe
Tibetan name meaning “devout one”
Tashi Choden, Portal Master, son of Sera
Tibetan name meaning “lucky” / Tibetan name meaning “devout one”
Minla Choden, Kirian’s wife, Lady of the Bells, daughter of Tashi
Tibetan name meaning “devout one”
Tenzin Ngari, elder adept with the knowledge of ship-birthing, former spark for Rinzen, head of ship shields team:
Tibetan name meaning “keeper of teachings” / Tibetan place name
Kalden Ngari, senior adept, head of ship motion team, son of Tenzin:
Tibetan name meaning “of the golden age” / Tibetan place name
Anil Ngari, adept, spark for Rinzen, head of ship motion team, son of Kalden, husband of Nandi:
Tibetan name meaning “wind” / Tibetan place name
Nandi Ngari, adept, spark for Rinzen, head of ship shields team, wife of Anil:
Tibetan place name
Arman Sijia, adept, head of portal team, master bellmaker:
Tibetan place name
Senga Shengeti, senior adept:
Tibetan name meaning “lion” / Tibetan place name
Asti Quli, adept, teacher and scholar:
Tibetan place name
Niyal Quli, adept, master bellmaker:
Tibetan place name
Skamár Quli, adept, member of transport team, daughter of Asti and Niyal:
Tibetan name meaning “star” / Tibetan place name
Chao Rong, leader of Shitza oligarchy:
Chinese names: Chao means “surpass” and Rong means “glory”

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.

Erin MacMichael is a visionary science fiction author and artist, creator of the T'nari Renegades series of novellas, novels, covers, and artwork. Her lifelong quest has been to explore past the boundaries of conventional thinking and figure out what really has transpired on this planet. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her marvelous offspring.